Monday, May 11, 2009


It’s easy to get so consumed with our own challenges and setbacks that we forget to take the time to help those around us. Likewise, we can get so caught up in our dreams, aspirations and triumphs that we miss the opportunity to encourage and support the people we care about. When I stop to think about it, the amount of times that someone has encouraged me with their words or actions is immeasurable. Sometimes it made a difference in my day, others, a difference in my life.
It’s ok to focus on you but it’s just as important to step out of the spotlight from time to time and see who’s working the equipment. There are many co-stars, stagehands, and extras in this production called life and each of us can appreciate a little pat on the back from time to time. When we start to focus on someone or something other than ourselves, we become better for it. For even the smallest of deeds carried out in sincerity result in some form of personal growth. This growth occurs despite the fact that the gesture was selfless and without expectation.
So for the remainder of the week here’s what I’m going to do: I’m going to pay close attention to those around me (strangers, acquaintances, friends, and relatives). Every day I am going to tell a different person something positive that I may have thought but didn’t say clearly or often enough. It might be as simple as “I love you” or as difficult as “I forgive you.” It might be as quick as “love your lipstick” or “that’s a really nice tie” as I carry out my daily routine. I’m going to help someone see their greatness by telling them what I see when I point the spotlight in their direction. For the rest of this week, I’m going to look for opportunities to say “I’m sorry” or “I was wrong.” I’m going to give out more hugs this week than usual and spare some change to those who appear less fortunate without questioning their motive. I’m going to make a few calls just to say “hello” instead of using the new and impersonal means of communication. I’m also going to say “thank you” to some of the difference makers in my life. This week, I’m going to encourage someone to dream or not to give up on a dream. It would be great if all who read the blog would do the same. Are you in?

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