Monday, September 10, 2012

A Good Day for a Resolution

Psst. Psst. Hey…hey you. We are approaching the last quarter of the year and I just want to know how well you did with your resolutions. Did you make any at the start of the year? In an effort to avoid the commercialism, did you make your resolutions before the year began or a month or two into 2012? Did you abandon the term “resolution” and simply challenge yourself to do better? Did you decide that this would be the year that you wouldn’t broadcast your resolution, opting instead to wait for others to notice your achievement? Perhaps you didn’t even make any personal self improvement commitments at all, but somehow knew that you should have. Either way, I just wanted to point out the fact that even though it seems like we just celebrated the New Year, its September. Valentine’s Day and St. Patrick’s Day are in the history books, and that’s no April Fools prank. Mother’s Day and Father’s Day have come and gone, as have the 4th of July and Labor Day. Halloween is just around the corner and many of you have yet to accomplish the goal that you set. That’s pretty scary.

No, no, no…don’t start feeling down though; it’s not the end of the world. Now is the perfect time for evaluation. It’s important to evaluate your goals periodically. When you recognize what is working it encourages you to continue. When you identify what isn’t working, it doesn’t mean you’ve failed, it simply means that you need to make some adjustments to your strategy—and sometimes, it means you have to revise your goal. Finding the courage to try again is just as noteworthy as finding the courage to begin. So whether you fell off the wagon or never even got on, I challenge you to make a commitment to improve some aspect of your life today. Don’t wait for the perfect time, because there isn’t one. You’ve just got to decide that you are worth the commitment and do it! I can’t think of a better day than today. Happy Monday! Cheers!

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